“My Friend, the Wind”

take away the tears
take away the worries
they are Man-crafted, can you not see?

playgrounds were once meant for giggles
where have all the tummy-laughs gone?
what are we doing? What have we done?
broken promises, lost souls galore
tender hearts, unable to smile anymore

my friend, the wind sat down with me again
attempting to cleanse off of my core the pain
there used to be a time when a gentle breeze
felt aplenty to keep my aching mind at ease
the more i age the more i sink into a sorrow,
for hope is being rubbed from babies’ ‘morrow

take away the tears
take away the worries
they are Man-crafted, can you not see?

(c) hülya n. yılmaz, 8.9.2019


Filed under Poetry, Reflections

2 responses to ““My Friend, the Wind”

  1. My ever emotional and dear ever creative friend… what a beautiful sensitive, aching to be joyful life reflection that we must all feel at one point or other from time to time!
    Hope all is well, dear Hülya, your friend JJ

    Liked by 1 person

    • All is well, dearest Jean-Jacques, my incredible friend. I hope the same is true for you and yours. Here I am, finding myself in a state of utter gratitude; for you have stopped by with yet another precious gift: Your reaction to my poem. Let us continue on the path of “aching to be joyful”, my dear friend . . .


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