“The Seven Fine Arts and I”

the seven fine arts and i

a painter – unsuccessful
a sculpturist – clueless
an architect – only a wannabe
an artist of music – no chance
a dancer – failed after the beginnings

poetry and literature . . .
daring to try them out at least


*”the seven fine arts and i” is one of the three Ekphrastic poems I have contributed for the September 2021 issue of The Year of the Poet published by Inner Child Press, AKA Inner Child Press International.


Filed under Poetry, Reflections

7 responses to ““The Seven Fine Arts and I”

  1. Say insha’Allah! Appreciate you, love you back. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • I cannot imagine myself without your love, dearest Shareef. But I do not take it for granted. You have an extraordinary aura about you. It is as if love and a loving embrace of everyone and everything shine through each of your cells.


  2. too funny . . . i hear what your alter-ego is attempting to induce you to believe . awesome you to even consider your potential flaws, weaknesses and alternatives . . . . BRAVO

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: “Twin Passions” | hülyaswritings

  4. Come on now your a blessed, gifted, accomplished,, intelligent women. Ofcourse we all have our strong suit or suits, forte, specialty etc. and beyond that the degree of proficency diminish all the way to non existent. Keep on keeping on dear sister.

    Liked by 1 person

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