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AYNI PANORAMIK MANZARA MI.166877_490639709710_4252019_n-005

Photo Credit: Dr. Mahmut Oğuz  Ergün (1931-2015)
Date: Summer 2005
Location: Ada, Sinop – Turkey


Filed under Impulses

3 responses to “. . .

  1. We have just today returned from Italy, my soul food and creative charger part of our world, and have now read those touchingly disturbing but provocative lines of yours
    A most moving tableau of fifteen words, that hold to express so deeply an emotional experience one would find hard to survive… save having reached that level one can but picture next, the shadows lifting to allow new life in a positive light…!
    Thus because nothing is ever so completely hopeless, and know so because I was there for a time ages ago… Which brings me to, while I was in Italy I wrote three short pieces, one of which that Is titled ” All Good Things ” ~ need not end ~ an inspiration that is cause to oppose that old and negative saying, that all good things, must come to an end. Reading this new post of yours made me think that what I wrote comes from a related emotional influence. I will send it to you in a few days, once I have completed its final edit stage.


Your readership is appreciated.