The “Now”

Dear Reader,

I am sorry for having no reflections this Sunday.  Nothing that flowed from within me achieved the capacity to be worth your time.  Perhaps, because I lived in the present last week, experiencing only the “now” to the best of my ability.  While I am not claiming to have attained what Abraham Maslow is said to have stressed in his Personality Theories, I aim to hide my week-long attempt behind the following pronouncement of his: “The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.”

I remain with the hope not to have disappointed you too much and to once again being able to delight in the privilege of  your visit next week.


Filed under Reflections

4 responses to “The “Now”

  1. You have a very good point when it comes to long texts for our reading. While I understand and am aware of the turn-off – regardless of the content, I still tend to write rather lengthy essays. As for my poems, however, the ones I like the most happen to be short. Happy to know you found a read-ably brief text on my site. Thanks to Abraham Maslow, that is. Welcome again!


  2. I have a real difficulty reading long passages or essays. I can’t seem to concentrate past a dozen lines or so. It is not a matter of thinking that it might be boring or no interesting, I just don’t get along with the eyes very well. Perhaps the glare of the screen. So I tried to find something shorter here and found this. 🙂
    I did scan the link to Abraham Maslow and found that interesting.


  3. Kathy Salloum

    Brilliant writers need time to reflect! We are glad you choose to “be” – not just “do.”


    • I cannot even imagine to accept such an astonishing compliment, dear Kathy. But still it is a unique experience in terms of feeling good about it. You have my heartfelt thanks for your kind and generous heart (and forgiving eyes during your reading of my words).


Your readership is appreciated.