
Bir cezve
Biraz kahve ve su
Bir kare çikolata
Şeker yerine

Birkaç yudum akabinde
Eser kalmaz o tattan

Anılar oysa ki öyle mi . . .
Her bir fincanda yüzlercesi

(c) hülya n. yılmaz, 16 Ağustos, 2019



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One cezve*
A bit of coffee and water
One piece of chocolate
A sugar substitute

The taste? Gone!
After a few sips

As for the memories . . .
Hundreds, in one single cup

English translation: (c) hülya n. yılmaz, October 5, 2019

*Turkish coffee pot


Filed under Poetry, Reflections

2 responses to ““Cezve”

  1. What a marvelous and intoxicating few magical lines, to describe a serving of one of nature’s treasures, to which just so attended, offers the pleasure of imbibing what your thaumaturgy so well describes…
    To a teetotaler I know, tea is the ultimate pleasure, as is what your “Cezve” is to coffee, and by extension cezve is in the like reality of what I am to coffee, that of real honest to goodness coffee, of the quality one could symbolically stand your spoon, in that liquid of intoxicating aroma, and eventual taste, and memory instigator. Terrific composition! The economy of words makes it so.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my, my dear Jean-Jacques, how you are warming my heart again and again with your close readings and thorough understanding of my soul! I feel elated that this poem had the kind of impact on you as it has. I tend to vary the number of lines in my poems with no particular “agenda”, but now that I hear from you how the brevity is more impactful, I will most likely be mindful to keep it all economical. Thank you from the heart!


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