not a strong gust . . .

not a strong gust
but a set of tender breezes it was
that started to shake the leaves one by one

change was in the air
nothing to prevent, nothing to prepare for
like artificial breathing and then . . . no longer
trying to catch a gasp of air along the way,
in the midst of a blindingly dense fog,
attempting to see clearly once again
that which now belonged only
to the soon-to-be-forgotten past

each left for its own path,
struggling still to stick together
for a little while more
until none was the same as before

© hülya n. yılmaz, June 21, 2019


Filed under Poetry, Reflections

6 responses to “not a strong gust . . .

  1. The above is not anonymous, it is your humble follower Jean-Jacques Fournier, and I repeat, a beautiful poem, of the kind of poetry and style I love!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Not a strong gust for a strong story of life’s progression and man’s cavalier ignorance or indifference to what will be left of said life, length and health wise for this developing and future generations. A clear wake up message to all to act now while there mane still time.
    A beautiful poem written in a style I love for its economy of words going straight and true to the heart of such an important life matter.

    Liked by 1 person

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