
i am about to eat the new day's first meal
in Nefertiti's legendary presence
the Pharaohs may object
but my soul
is ready to commune with all
for all

at the end of the "Sound and Light" show last night
while the Pyramids stood upright
having defied the impact of many a deadly earthquakes
not having caved in to the soft silky sands underneath
standing majestically erect
evidencing the fatal flaw
of modernity's claim
that it was humans
who built these World Wonders
though Man can still not prove
the technology required for their construction
had been available to men or women back then 

while i half-heartedly listened
to the theatrical staging of perhaps one of a kind
my soul entered the Sphinx and the Pyramids
there, i met my past life again
the last musical piece was most-intoxicating
each move left me in contemplative tears
my entire life passed by my core essence
all beloveds who had stepped on Earth
leaving their frames behind
their spirits intact
watching over humanity 
caring for them
waiting patiently
for their hearts' eyes to open ajar

they assembled before me one by one

i lost the count
an all-inclusive assembly of humans
how can anyone ever do such a math

and the Ultimate One . . .
invisible untouchable mute
only to be conceived
not to be conceptualized
but only to be conceived
as Rumi asserted time and time again . . .

i am one
one is what i am
i am all
all is what i am

i am not becoming 

i am

here and now

hülya n yılmaz, 8.28.2018



[Photo Credit: Self; A view from the balcony
of our hotel on the Giza Plateau in Egypt]


Filed under Poetry, Reflections

2 responses to ““breakfast”

  1. Excellent … very contemplative …. 💗✌🏽😎

    Liked by 1 person

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